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Studying Abroad In Spring 2023?
You will participate in the Housing Selection process in the same fashion as all residential students since you will be on campus for the start of the Fall 2023 term. Spring abroad students are still required to complete their housing license & housing type application, even if abroad. If you are worried about technology or connectivity issues in the country where you are currently studying, please email housing@siena.edu and we can assist.
Important note, anyone studying abroad will not eligible to be the person selecting housing for their group because of time zone differences.
Studying Abroad Fall 2023?
Congratulations! We hope that you are excited about your upcoming experience. Since you will not need housing until Spring 2024, you will not participate in the Housing Selection process.
In November 2023 the Office of Community Living with reach out with the application to complete for housing. This form will allow you to rank hall preferences, request roommates, look for potential roommates and even request a particular room!
Changes to Study Abroad Plans?
Reaching out to our office about any changes to your study abroad experience will help us provide better service to you. It also will allow us to work with any of your roommates/suitemates/housemates that might have been impacted by the change in plans.