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Step 1

Every student will need to complete their Housing Selection application, which will be available in their Housing Portal. This is just a simple review and electronic signature on the housing license for the coming academic year. The Housing Selection Application is due by 4:00 pm on Friday, February 17, 2023

After completing the Housing Selection Application,  everyone will be assigned a priority number in their Housing Portal on Thursday, February 23. This is also the date when you will be able to begin forming roommate groups in your housing portal.

Step 2

Once students have formed their roommate group in their Housing Portal, groups will apply for a type of housing. The process will start with 6-Person Townhouses and then work down to traditional double style rooms. 

In order for an application to be considered everyone in the roommate group must apply & the roommate group must be fully matched. 

Step 3

Once your roommate group has had a housing type application accepted, your group leader will be assigned a selection time in their Housing Portal. On selection night, they will log into their Portal and choose a room/house/suite for the group. Each group has a 2 minute priority window. 

What if your application is not accepted?

Our office cannot know if an application will be accepted until after the deadline when our staff review all submitted applications. So we strongly encourage all groups to have back-up plans.

If your group's application is not accepted, then you will have 36 hours to re-form and apply for another type of housing.