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Type of Townhouse Male Units Female Units
6-Person House 19 20

Cushing Village

Eligibility: Rising Seniors & Rising Juniors

Renovated Cushing Townhouse Cost/Semester: $5,995    Cost/Year: $11,990

*Renovated Cushing Townhouses will include: 101, 102, 109, 110, 125, 126, 135, 136, 165, 166. If renovations do not occur prior to the semester starting, residents of these houses will be charged the non-renovated price.

Non-renovated Cushing Townhouse Cost/Semester: $5,920    Cost/Year: $11,840


Type of Townhouse Male Units Female Units
6-Person Townhouse 9 9
4-Person Townhouse 17 22
4-Person Suite 12 18

Type of Room Male Units Female Units
Double with Internal Bathroom 46 68
Type of Room Male Units Female Units
Triple with Internal Bathroom 36 46
Type of ROom Male Units fEMALE uNITS
6-Person Suite 0 4
4-Person Suite 14 18
Doubles TBD TBD
Type of room Male Units Female units
6-Person Suite 3 0
4-Person Suite 8 6
Doubles as needed as needed