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Community Assistant
The CA staff in each community are wonderful resources because they live within the same community as our students do. If you are seeking advice from a peer leader, please don't be shy about reaching out to your CA.
Residence Director
Each residential community is supervised by a Residence Director (RD). Our RDs are master's level professionals who are in the halls as an additional resource for our students. RDs can help assist you with a variety of concerns and are always willing to help. You just need to email them to set up an appointment or drop by during their office hours. For contact information, please see our Meet the Staff page.
Central Office Staff
Our Central Office team consists of the Director, Assistant Director and Office Manager of Community Living. They are an additional professional level resource for students. Our office is located in SSU 318 and our contact email is housing@siena.edu. Please feel free to reach out via email and/or stop by the office.
Friars in Residence
Our Friars in Residence provide another level of support for our students. They actively build rapport with the community of the area they serve and have a presence in the halls. They can provide spiritual/pastoral guidance, support through major life events, can refer students to campus resources and enjoying attending events with students.
Room Changes
Freshman Increased-Occupancy (Converted) Triple
Students in increased-occupancy triple room assignments will be given first preference for openings which become available in freshmen halls. The Office of Community Living will be reaching out to students through their Siena email account as spaces become available.
Mutual Room Change Request: Swap or Pull-In
If a student or group of students have a mutual request for a room change, they will work with their Residence Director(s). In order to process a mutual request, each student needs to send an email stating they consent to the move. Once an email has been received from every party involved, they will receive instructions on how to move forward with the change.
Room Change: Roommate Conflict
If you would like to request a room change due to a roommate conflict, please reach out to your Residence Director to set up a meeting. During your meeting, your Residence Director will explore options for resolving the conflict within your room as a first step. If during that conversation it is decided that a room change would be the best course of action, they will talk you through the process and discuss potential options.
Special Notes:
1. The Office of Community Living cannot predict when or if we will be able to accommodate a room change request. All changes are dependent on the number of vacancies confirmed after move-in and any housing cancelations that come up throughout the year. If you have general questions regarding a room change request, please email housing@siena.edu.
2. Room changes are managed by the Residence Directors in conjunction with the Associate Director of Community Living. Coordination for room changes within a specific residential communities are completely handled by the Residence Director of that area. Coordination for room changes that occur between residential communities will be handled by the Associate Director.
PLEASE NOTE: The cost for housing may vary from building to building, and in some cases between room types. Students accepting a room change may be charged more or less, depending on their new housing assignment. Costs will be prorated in accordance with the date of the room change.