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Former RDs have had the opportunity to transition into a number of exciting careers in student affairs after their RD experience here at Siena.  Some of our former RDs are now:

  • Assistant Dean of Diversity & Inclusion, Union College (RD from 2008-2011)
  • Director of Community Standards, St. Joseph's University (RD from 2005-2008)
  • Director of Student Conduct, North Carolina State University (RD from 2008-2010)
  • Assistant Director of Residential Life, University of Nevada - Reno (RD from 2008-2011)
  • Assistant Director of the Advocacy Center for Sexual Violence, University at Albany (RD from 2010-2012)
  • Assistant Director of Residential Life, Christopher Newport University (RD from 2011-2015)
  • Assistant Director of Residential Life & Housing, Williams College (RD from 2013-2015)
  • Assistant Director of the Career & Professional Development, University at Albany (RD from 2014-2017)
  • Coordinator of Orientation, George Mason University (RD from 2015-2017)
  • Assistant Director of Student Engagement & Leadership, Albany College of Pharmacy & Health Sciences (RD from 2015-2018)
  • Assistant Director of Minerva Programs, Union College (RD from 2018-2021)
  • Associate Director of Residence Life, Alfred University (RD from 2018-2021)