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The Office of Community Living advances the mission of Siena College by fostering a safe and healthy campus living environment where a culture of mutual respect and personal responsibility enhance intellectual growth and success.
The Office of Community Living will provide best-practice models of residential living communities that support students’ intellectual success and also provide formative, co-curricular opportunities for social, cultural, ethical, and spiritual learning and growth. 

The essence of Franciscan and Catholic tradition is a way of relating to people that is grounded in faith and values. Diversity, Optimism, Respect and Service provide a framework of values for the Siena College community to discuss and learn about the Franciscan tradition and its approach to fostering positive interpersonal relationships.
In our Franciscan community, diversity is an invitation to celebrate the God-given uniqueness of each individual, as well as the cultural differences that enrich us all. So,
Be unique
Be welcoming
Be open to the world

In our Franciscan community, optimism is a faith-filled affirmation of the basic goodness of life and of all men and women because, in the words of St. Francis, God our Creator is "good, all good, supremely good." So,
Be positive
Be hopeful
Be open to the future

In our Franciscan community, respect is a profound reverence for God's real presence in ourselves, in others, and in our world. So,
Be respectful of yourself
Be affirming of the dignity of others
Be caring of the environment around you

In our Franciscan community, service is paying the debt we owe to God for the gifts we have been given, by working and advocating for the well-being of all, especially the poor and marginalized. So,
Be grateful
Be generous with your time and talents
Be compassionate