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There are many resources available to help you as you begin exploring the Community Assistant role, and throughout the entire CA selection process. Here are a few resources that you might want to speak with if you have questions or are looking for more information.
- Your CA (or any current Siena CA that you may know). Current CAs are the best resource for helping candidates learn about the CA position and its requirements. All of our current CAs have gone through a similar application process. Current CAs are always willing to speak with you about their experiences and to answer any questions you might have.
- Residence Directors. RDs are also a great source of information about the CA position, as RDs directly supervise the CAs. You can reach out to your own RD or any of the other Residence Directors through e-mail or phone.
- Career Education and Professional Development. The staff at Career Education and Professional Development work closely with Community Living staff during the CA selection process and offers candidates consultation on career related areas including résumé and cover letter writing as well as effective interviewing. They also provide mock interviews for students who would like to receive one-on-one feedback about their interviewing style.
- Community Living prides itself on being leaders in living out our Catholic and Franciscan values. We expect CAs to be role models of Siena’s values. To help educate you on these values, please review the links below related to our mission that might provide some good "talking points" for your CA interview.