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Why Live on Campus?

At Siena, we strive to provide our resident students with a living environment that offers support and assistance to maximize their educational opportunities. Our residents live in a safe and inclusive community where individuals are respected and differences are celebrated.

Living on campus has many advantages including convenience, development of life-long friendships, and being a part of a community where a culture of mutual respect and personal responsibility enhance intellectual growth and success.

What Can You Expect?

The convenience of living on campus provides students swift access to numerous campus resources such as the library, computer labs, dining hall and other campus eateries, health services, athletic and recreational facilities, and late night events. Additionally, students have the opportunity to participate in a variety of campus-wide and residence hall programs.

The Community Living staff coordinates programs to enhance the out-of-classroom experience for all students. They collaboratively work as a liaison between students, faculty, and administration, offering referral services to resident students when needed. Included as part of the residential staff are the Friars in Residence, who are Franciscan Friars living in the residence halls, modeling Franciscan ideals of recognizing the goodness and value of each person and serving as an additional student support resource.

Benefits of living on campus

There's that special bond with your peers, a sense of community!

Where will you live?

Take a look at our residential communities!

We have a variety of housing options including traditional residence halls, rooms with private bathrooms, and townhouse units.