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All court papers received by a Siena employee concerning his or her work at the College must be promptly brought to the attention of the College Counsel. The legal document may be a summons, a subpoena, a legal notice, or a complaint. The nature of the document will determine the response you may be required to take and should, in all instances, be reviewed by the College Counsel.
In general, you should not accept a subpoena, summons, or other legal document that is addressed to another individual or department, unless that individual or department has specifically authorized you to accept it. If you do not have explicit authority to accept service of a legal document addressed to another individual or department, you should tell the process server that you do not have authority to accept service of the document and that it should be taken to the College Counsel, who will determine whether it can be accepted by the College.
If you receive a subpoena or other legal document involving College business, please inform the College Counsel immediately. You should also keep a record of the date, time and method (by hand or mail) by which you received the notice.
The recipient of the subpoena must always coordinate with College Counsel, who will determine whether it is legally valid and enforceable, before disclosing any documents requested.
If you are contacted by an attorney for any party other than the College, please refer him or her to the College Counsel.