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In the course of carrying out your duties as a Siena employee, you may encounter a situation in which it is necessary for the College to enter into financial and/or contractual commitments in order to ensure its normal, efficient operation. When such a situation arises, it is important to remember that the President, Br. Edward Coughlin, and the Vice President for Finance and Administration, Paul Stec, are the only individuals authorized to sign contracts on behalf of Siena College, and that no contract can be signed until it has been approved by the College Counsel or Contract Administrator after legal review. It is therefore necessary to follow the procedures outlined in the Authority to Act Statement in all cases, regardless of the nature of the contract or the size of the potential financial commitment.
Because transacting for normal College operations includes varying degrees of complexity and financial parameters, the Authority to Act has been delegated according to various Transaction Levels which have been defined based on the nature and dollar amount of the potential commitment. You should familiarize yourself with these Transaction Levels, as well as the due diligence responsibilities, any applicable pre-approval requirements and protocols, and the procedures for bidding and contract formation associated with each level.
After following the various procedures outlined in the Authority to Act Statement and all other applicable policies, you must submit all contracts to http://www.siena.edu/contractreviewrequest for legal review before they can be signed. Contracts should be sent to the attention of the Contract Administrator.