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St. Mary of the Angels Baptism Policy
Congratulations on the birth of your child!
We feel honored that you chose to baptize your child at Siena College. Please carefully review the guidelines and contact information.
Baptism Guidelines
The baptism should be celebrated in the home parish. Those wishing to celebrate the baptism of their child at Siena College must meet the following requirements:
- Requests for baptism should be made by the parents of the child to the Siena Chaplain’s Office. Please include the desired date and time of baptism as well as the requested priest.
- The parents should have good pastoral reasons for having the baptism of their child at the College Chapel rather than in their home parish.
- There should be a formal relationship between the parents and the College. At least one parent must be a current student, an alumnus, or a member of the staff or faculty of the College.
- Children of faculty and staff are eligible if Siena College Chapel is presently their ordinary place of worship.
- Those requesting to celebrate the baptism of their child at the College Chapel should be practicing their faith.
- Parents will need to meet with either a priest or deacon in their home parish or at Siena College for baptismal instruction prior to the baptism.
- At least one Godparent (Sponsor) must be a Confirmed Catholic and both Godparents must be living their faith.
For more information, please contact the Chaplain's Office.