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Liturgical Ministries

To make these Liturgies true celebrations, we take advantage of the many talents of our student body to serve our Liturgies through a variety of ministries.

The Chaplain's Office offers the following ways for students to become involved in the liturgical life of Siena College:

  • Readers - Readers serve as those who proclaim the Word of God to the community at every Liturgy. It is the task of the Readers to proclaim the scriptures so that they command the attention of all. Proclaiming the Word is different from any other reading. Eye contact and presence is of the essence -- God speaks to people through the Reader. A period of silence and reflection after the reading is very important.
  • Eucharistic - Eucharistic Ministers serve as those who help to distribute the Body and Blood of Christ to the assembly during the Mass. They are also Ministers of Hospitality who greet the assembly as they arrive for the Liturgy.
  • Altar Servers - Altar Servers take the responsibility of freeing the Presider from various details during the Mass so he may give his full attention to presiding. The various tasks of an Altar Server include: assisting with the Sacramentary when the Presider needs to read from it; preparing the Altar table with the vessels of bread and wine; and helping others to share in Holy Communion, both Body and Precious Blood, taking care of candles, incense, and the Processional Cross. This ministry is open to both men and women.


Training sessions for all Liturgical Ministries take place in the Fall Semester for both experienced ministers and new-comers. Each of these Liturgical Ministries manifests the connection between the Food we receive at Mass and the food we are for one another in companionship and hospitality.

If you are interested in learning more about any of our Liturgical Ministries please contact the Chaplain's Office. To sign up to serve as a Liturgical Minister, please submit the Liturgical Ministry Interest Form.

Music Ministries

Our Music Ministry provides the music leadership for the Liturgical celebrations on Sundays and special feast days at Siena College.

The Music Ministry is composed of men and women who are instrumentalists -- guitars, bass, drums, cello, violin, flute, brass -- and vocalists, whose repertoire encompasses a wide variety of contemporary and classical liturgical music.

The Music Ministry sings at both the 11:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. Masses in St. Mary of the Angels Chapel on Sundays throughout the academic year.

The Music Ministry, under the direction of our Director of Liturgical Arts, places great emphasis on the full, active participation of all the faithful at every Liturgy. To that end, much of the music performed is lyrical, responsive, and easy to be a part of. The members of the Music Ministry also share in reflection on their ministry, the importance of music in Catholic rituals, and training for musical leadership in Assembly.

Membership is open to all students of Siena College and training in voice and sight singing is offered to new-comers and interested persons.

If you are interested in learning more about any of our Music Ministry please contact the Chaplain's Office.

To sign up to serve as in the Music Ministry, please follow the link to the Liturgical Ministry Interest Form.

Faith Groups and Events


Monday nights at 8:00pm meet in the Chapel to read through sacred scripture and reflection. This is a wonderful time to let the words of sacred scripture speak and relate to you. 


Every Tuesday night from 9pm-10pm the Blessed Sacrament is exposed for Adoration. You can come into the Chapel at any time during the hour for as long as you want to spend time with Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament.


Our Praise and Worship Ministry offers praise of God in both song and prayer. Each Wednesday evening in the Chapel or Grotto at 9:00pm, students lead worship with contemporary music, praise, and prayer, as they joyfully celebrate the love of God. All students are welcome!


Join other Siena students on Thursday nights at 9:00pm in the Chapel to pray the Rosary.

Friday Fun Nights

This is an opportunity to come together with other Siena students and have fun, fellowship, and food. Meet at the Chapel at 4pm and find out what the game or activity will be.


There are many opportunities to attend and to lead retreats. Each semester there is a campus wide retreat, all students are welcome. Campus Ministry also hosts retreats for area Catholic High Schools and Confirmation programs.