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There are multiple ways to make purchases on campus with your Saint Card. Balances are broken down into 3 categories;

  • Bonus Dollars – Associated with the meal plan you purchase at the beginning of each semester. These funds can only be used at on-campus dining facilities. Additional funds cannot be added to your Bonus Dollars.
  • Saint Plan – Money added to your Saint Card through the office with cash or check or online at https://get.cbord.com/siena. These funds can be used at all on-campus dining facilities, the bookstore and off-campus merchants (see list below).
  • Additional Bonus Dollars - Money added to your Saint Card through the office with cash or check or online at https://get.cbord.com/siena. These funds can only be used at on-campus dining facilities.

Using Your Bonus Dollars/Additional Bonus Dollars on Campus

Your meal plan & bonus dollars are linked to your Saint Card as well as any additional bonus dollars you may have purchased.You can use your Bonus Dollars & Additional Bonus Dollars for purchases at any of the on-campus dining locations.

  • Lonnstrom Dining Hall
  • Massry Commons
  • Casey’s Starbucks
  • C-Store
  • Roots Café
  • Standish Library Cafe

Using Your Saint Plan on and off Campus

Your Saint Plan can be used at all on-campus dining locations, the College bookstore to purchase books, supplies, or Siena College apparel and memorabilia, as well as various off campus merchants.

  • Burger King – Route 9
  • CVS – Newton Plaza
  • Bowled - Newton Plaza
  • The Works Cafe - Newton Plaza
  • The Fresh Market - Route 9

Saint Plan: Explained in Detail

  • Your Saint Plan account is an accumulated prepaid declining balance account attached to your Saint Card
  • It is not associated with your “Bonus Dollars” that are tied to your meal plan
  • With this account, money can be deposited onto your card and you can use it like a debit card at on-campus and off-campus locations
  • Money debited from your account is strictly predetermined by the amount you deposit.
  • Transactions will be declined if you do not have enough money on your Saint Plan.
  • No cash withdrawals can be made from the card. After separation from the College, any remaining credit on your Saint Plan and/or Additional Bonus Dollars will be mailed to you in the form of a check.
  • Credits will be applied to outstanding student account balances upon separation from the College prior to any refund checks being dispersed.
  • Credit balances of less than $5 remaining after separation will be forfeited

Additional Bonus Dollars: Explained in Detail

  • Your Additional Bonus Dollars account is an accumulated prepaid declining balance account attached to your Saint Card
  • It is not associated with your “Bonus Dollars” that are tied to your meal plan
  • With this account, money can be deposited onto your card and you can use it like a debit card at on-campus dining locations
  • Money debited from your account is strictly predetermined by the amount you deposit. Transactions will be declined if you do not have enough money on your Additional Bonus Dollars.
  • No cash withdrawals can be made from the card. After separation from the College, any remaining credit on your Saint Plan and/or Additional Bonus Dollars will be mailed to you in the form of a check.
  • Credits will be applied to outstanding student account balances upon separation from the College prior to any refund checks being dispersed.
  • Credit balances of less than $5 remaining after separation will be forfeited