Siena College provides reimbursement to newly hired full-time faculty members, and to newly hired full-time, non temporary administrators for qualified moving expenses incurred when the new faculty member/administrator is moving from outside a radius of at least 50 miles from the College in order to accept an offer of employment at the College.
Reimbursement equal to one half of moving expenses incurred, defined as "qualified" expenses in accordance with current Internal Revenue Service (IRS) regulations, may be made by the College up to a maximum reimbursement of $2,500. (To clarify: reimbursement of $2,500 would occur only if the total qualified moving expesnes submitted were equal to or greater than $5,000)
In rare circumstances in which reimbursement beyond the aforementioned parameters is deemed necessary and/or strategic, a justification must be forwarded to the President for approval; in any event, the amount of any reimbursement for expenses not deemed "qualified" by IRS regulations is considered taxable income and therefore subject to income tax withholding.
Qualified expenses are defined by the IRS as the reasonable cost (as determined by the College) of moving household goods and personal effects (including packing, crating, and transporting, as well as intransit storage for up to 30 consecutive days); and travel to the new home, including lodging but not including meals, In addition, the following conditions must be met:
- the expenses must be related to starting work at the College;
- the expenses must be incurred within one year of the date the employee begins work at the College;
- the distance from the employee's new residence to the College generally must be less than the distance from the old residence to the College;
- the College must be at least 50 miles farther from the former residence than the former job location; and - the employee's term of appointment must be for at least 39 weeks; reimbursement provided by the College for moving expenses may be subject to taxation in the event the employee works less than 39 weeks during the first 12 months after arriving at the College.
For complete information on what the IRS considers qualified moving expenses, new employees are advised to go to the Internal Revenue Service website at and search for Publication 521 (Moving Expenses) for the current calendar year.
A few guidelines to keep in mind (by no means comprehensive) are as follows:
Reimbursement is provided for transportation of all members of the employee's household for one trip each from the current residence to the new residence, by the most direct route and most reasonable form of transportation.
If the employee uses a personal vehicle for transportation, he/she may choose to submit either actual gas and oil expenses (original receipts) of use the current year IRS mileage rate for moving expenses. If a rental vehicle is used, the cost of the rental is reimbursable but only actual gas and oil expenses for that vehicle may be submitted. Tolls are also reimbursable in either case.
Expenses for hotel accommodations for one night at the current location and one night after arrival at the new location may be submitted for reimbursement, as well as hotel accommodations "on the road"; but meal expenses are not reimbursable.
New faculty members and administrators who are eligible for reimbursement are notified of the College's reimbursement policy in their letter of appointment issued by the College. New faculty members should submit a request for reimbursement to the Office of Academic Affairs. New administrators should submit a request for reimbursement to their department head. All expenses must be documented by original receipts.