Siena currently has 6 teams competing across 3 leagues, the MAAC conference, NECC, and NACE.
eSports is being called the next 'Friday Night Lights' and our students are competing at the highest levels. Our program is growing every year, introducing new titles and building stronger teams. Some call themselves virtual athletes, but we like to think of them as eSaints.
Siena currently has 6 teams competing across 3 leagues, the MAAC conference, NECC, and NACE.
Teams include: League of Legends, Rocket League, Valorant, Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, Super Smash Bros. Ultimate and Overwatch 2.
Rocket League team
2023 MAAC Championships, the Overwatch and Valorant teams made it to the semifinals of the tournament
Siena's Super Smash Bros Ultimate team won the 2020 and 2021 MAAC Championship
Our eSaints sit in GTRACING Gaming Ergonomic Racing Chairs with an adjustable leather high-back while the computers have customizable specs. Most are i7-8700K 6-Core GHz Processor with a Z370 Motherboard. The lounge is used for nightly practices and for the team’s weekly competitions.
Sure, a career as a competitive gamer is unlikely, but there are a ton of diverse jobs in the industry. Software development? Check. Sports Communications? Check. Data Science? Digital Marketing? Cognitive Science? Check, Check and Check. Siena offers programs in all these fields allowing students to chase their passion while being able to play on a competitive team.