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Working on a degree at Hudson Valley Community College, SUNY Adirondack or Schenectady County Community College?  Here's how your credits will be applied toward a bachelor's degree program at Siena.

A.A. Individual Studies American Studies | Creative Arts | Economics (B.A.) | English | French | History | Philosophy Political Science | Psychology | Religious Studies | Social Work | Sociology | Spanish
A.A. Liberal Arts and Sciences - Humanities and Social Sciences American Studies | English | English Track | French | History | History Track | Philosophy | Political Science | Political Science Track | Psychology | Psychology Track | Religious Studies | Social Work | Sociology | Spanish
A.S. Biological Science Biochemistry | Biology
A.S. Biotechnology Biochemistry | Biology | Chemistry
A.S. Business Administration Accounting | Business | Economics | Finance | Management | Marketing
A.S. Computer Information Systems Computer Science
A.S. Environmental Science Environmental Science | Environmental Studies
A.S. Human Services Social Work
A.S. Individual Studies American Studies | Creative Arts | Economics (B.A.) | English | French | History | Philosophy | Political Science | Psychology | Religious Studies | Social Work | Sociology | Spanish
A.S. Liberal Arts and Sciences- Adolescent Education Secondary Education Certificate Majors
(Biology, Chemistry, English Language Arts, History, Mathematics, Physics, Social Studies, and Physics)
A.S. Liberal Arts and Sciences- Mathematics and Science Biochemistry | Biology | Chemistry | Mathematics | Physics
A.S. Physical Sciences Chemistry | Physics
A.A.S. Business Administration Accounting | Business | Economics | Finance | Management | Marketing
A.A.S. Chemical Dependency Psychology | Social Work | Sociology
Franciscan Concern Courses Students will need to complete four Franciscan Concern courses- one from each area. Click here to see the HVCC courses that fulfill these requirements.


SUNY Adirondack program potential siena major
A.A. Creative Writing English
A.A. Liberal Arts and Sciences- Humanities and Social Science American Studies | Economics (B.A.) | English | Environmental Studies (B.A.) | French | History | Philosophy | Political Science | Psychology | Religious Studies | Social Work | Sociology | Spanish
A.S. Business Administration Accounting | BusinessEconomics (B.A.) | Finance | Management | Marketing
A.S. Computer Science Computer Science
A.S. Engineering Science Chemistry | Computer Science | Physics
A.S. Liberal Arts and Sciences- Mathematics and Science Biochemistry | Biology | Chemistry | Environmental Science | Mathematics | Physics
A.A.S Criminal Justice- Substance Abuse Psychology | Social Work | Sociology
A.A.S. Management, Marketing and Entrepreneurship Accounting | Economics (B.A.) | Finance | Management | Marketing
Franciscan Concern Courses Students will need to complete four Franciscan Concern courses- one from each area. Click here to see the SUNY Adirondack courses that fulfill these requirements.


schenectady county community college program potential siena major
A.A. Humanities and Social Sciences American Studies | Creative Arts (if you have a concentration in Communications) | English | English (if you have a concentration in English) | History | History (if you have a concentration in History) | Political Science | Psychology | Psychology (if you have a concentration in Psychology) | Sociology | Sociology (if you have a concentration in Sociology)
A.S. Business Administration Accounting | Business | Economics (B.A.) | Finance | Management | Marketing
A.S. Criminal Justice Psychology | Sociology
A.S. Computer Science Computer Science
A.S. Human Services Psychology | Social Work
A.S. Mathematics and Science Biochemistry | Biology | Chemistry | Environmental Science | Mathematics | Physics
A.S. Science Biochemistry | Biology | Biology (if you have a concentration in Biology) | Chemistry | Environmental Science | Environmental Studies | Mathematics | Physics
A.S. Teacher Education Secondary Education Certificate Majors 
(Biology, Chemistry, English Language Arts, French, Mathematics, Physics, Social Studies, and Spanish)
Franciscan Concern Courses Students will need to complete four Franciscan Concern courses- one from each area. Click here to see the SUNY Schenectady courses that fulfill these requirements.