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Q. Is there a separate admissions process for students with disabilities?
No. Regardless of the disability, a student must meet the same admissions criteria. A student is not asked about a disability; however, a student may wish to disclose that they have a disability to explain certain situations.
Q. What is considered a disability?
As defined by the Americans with Disabilities Act and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, a disability is a mental, physical, or emotional impairment which substantially limits one or more major life activities.
Q. What are accommodations?
Accommodations are adjustments to policy, practice, and programs that “level the playing field” for students with disabilities and provide equal access to Siena’s programs and activities. This adjustment must be made without altering fundamental goals of a course, lowering the standards in a class, or cause an undue financial burden on the college.
It is the student's responsibility to obtain their semester's accommodation letter and deliver to each professor. If the professor is not presented with the student's accommodation letter, the accommodations are not considered active.
Q. Who on campus will know I have a disability if I choose to register and avail myself of Office of Accessibility services?
Only the Director of the Office of Accessibility and anyone you choose to tell. All information you or your parents provide to the office is considered confidential and kept in a secure location.
Q. Does Siena have a specialized program for students with disabilities?
No, degree requirements are the same for everybody, but Siena does offer a wide range of services for students with disabilities. Office of Accessibility can provide academic accommodations such as extra time on exams and an alternate testing location. Siena offers tutoring and writing support for all students as well as study skills tutoring and workshops.
Q. Will a high school Individualized Education Plan (IEP) or 504 Plan provide sufficient documentation of a disability?
It depends. Although the IEP and 504 Plan is valuable information used to discuss appropriate accommodations, documentation from a licensed professional clearly defining one's disability, the functional limitations it creates and the suggested accommodations is preferred. Our office makes every attempt to follow AHEAD's guidelines on disability documentation.
Q. Does Siena pay for evaluations or reevaluations of disability?
No. It is the student’s responsibility to provide verification of disability and to pay for evaluations or reevaluations of disability. However, we have suggestions on how to get tested for a disability and maintain a list of local professionals qualified to administer the tests.
Q. Due to the nature of my disability, I feel that I will need a single room. What is the process for receiving a single room?
To request a single room based upon disability, you must fill out a Special Housing Request Application. You will need to have the appropriate licensed professional provide specific information about why your disability would prohibit you from having a roommate and what the results would be if you did not have a single room. Health Services will work with other appropriate offices on campus and determine if the request warrants the accommodation of a single room. Health Services will notify you when a decision has been made.
Q. What role do my parents play in the process?
If you are 18 years or older you are legally recognized as an adult. You will be responsible for your own accommodation requests and disability related decisions. However, parents are a wonderful source of support and students are encouraged to have open communications with their parents or other significant family members.
Q. how do i register for temporary accommodations?
If you have a temporary conditions that qualifies as a disability, you can register with the office for temporary accommodations. Please follow the Temporary Accommodations How to Register Guide.
Q. Where is the Office of Accessibility located?
Our office is located in Foy Hall Room 109. The office is open 8:30am - 4:30pm during the academic year and reduced hours during the summer.