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(listed with decreasing priority – priority will be followed when requests build up)

  • Requests by Faculty Chair and members of the General Faculty Committee.
  • Requests by members of COTFD, Handbook Committee, Faculty Memorial Scholarship Committee, Faculty Grievance Committee.
  • Typing letters of reference (relating to students or colleagues).
  • Sending copying jobs to the Print Shop.  You can email documents (email address shown above) specifying number of copies required, one-sided or two-sided, collated, stapled, date needed, and any other requirements you have. The copies will then be delivered to your school office (or to Faculty Support Office, if you prefer).  The Print Shop will not deliver to individual mailboxes.
  • Typing associated with Siena sponsored programs (non-recurring, special programs) run by the faculty.
  • Typing for institutes run by faculty.
  • Assist with typing (Microsoft Word) articles, books/chapters, and research proposals for faculty.
  • General non-exam typing.
  • Typing of exams.
  • Photocopying of any type or quantity. (We will send materials to the Print Shop for you.)
  • Any administrative work (departmental, certificate or professional programs, or any work related to the schools.)
  • Proctoring tests and quizzes.  Contact your school office for this service or the Office of Accessibility for students eligible for accomodations.