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2021 - 2022

Paul Thurston
Professor of Management

2020 - 2021

Fr. Daniel P. Dwyer
Associate Professor of History

2019 - 2020

Donna McIntosh
Professor of Social Work

2018 - 2019

Cheryl L. Buff
Professor of Marketing

2017 - 2018

James R. Nolan
Professor of Quantitative Business Analysis and Computer Science

2016 - 2017

Katherine L. Meierdiercks
Associate Professor of Environmental Studies and Sciences

2015 - 2016

James Matthews
Professor of Computer Science

2014 - 2015

James F. Booker
Professor of Economics

2013 - 2014

Fr. Dennis F. Tamburello
Professor of Religious Studies

2012 - 2013

Meg Woolbright
Professor of English

2011 - 2012

Leonard Cutler
Professor of Political Science

2010 - 2011

Vera Eccarius-Kelly
Associate Professor of Political Science

2009 - 2010

Edward LaRow
Professor of Biology

2008 - 2009

Joshua B. Diamond
Professor of Physics