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Siena College is honored to recognize the accomplishments of DR. Daniel F. Moriarty as the recipient of the 2022-2023 award.
Dr. Moriarty is the current Director of the Center for Undergraduate Research and Creative Activity. He has expanded on the great work done by his predecessors by promoting research opportunities for as many students as possible. He has also transformed a celebration of academic achievements into an all-day Academic Showcase, where students present their research and capstone level projects to the greater Siena Community.
Dr. Moriarty has been elected to be a member of a number of college-wide committees over the years including Faculty Status, Faculty Memorial Scholarship, Academic Technology Advisory Committee, Governance of Information Technology, the Jerome Walton Nominating Committee, and the Library/Audio Visual Resources Committee. He was also one of the Chairs of the Middle States Working Group for the previous accreditation cycle.
He has brought service and research together, both in his own work, and by encouraging others to do so as well. He partnered with the Center for Academic Community Engagement (ACE), to develop the Siena Project Incubator (SPIn), a set of three-year programs designed to involve students in community-engaged research projects. Dr. Moriarty has also worked extensively with colleagues in the High Impact Practices team to provide students with the “education for a lifetime” by expanding opportunities for research, community-engaged learning, study abroad opportunities, and internships.
Dr. Moriarty is a strong proponent of community. He is a co-founder of the Siena Beverage Institute, where research projects are designed for students and faculty to assist companies in the local craft beverage industry while educating the greater Siena Community about distilled and fermented beverages. He is the co-founder of the Lifetime Activities classes, which have both a physical and educational component. These courses are taught by faculty, staff, and administrators who share their knowledge and excitement for different topics and hobbies while students learn a new set of skills that they can use for the rest of their lives.
Dr. Moriarty earned a B.S. in Chemistry from Siena College and a Ph.D. in Chemistry from Stony Brook University.