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In recognition of teaching excellence, Siena College created this award in honor of Professor Jerome Walton, one of the College's first lay faculty, who served Siena for 21 years as a Professor of Commerce, Economics, Statistics, and Business Mathematics. The award is given annually to the selected faculty member who has demonstrated excellence in teaching.
Selection Criteria
Honorees of the Jerome Walton Award shall be recognized for their record of outstanding and passionate teaching, for their creativity and willingness to experiment, and for their ability to engage students with rigorous and intellectually challenging subject matter.
Award Eligibility
Eligible candidates are faculty members, including librarians, who have been full-time faculty at Siena for at least six years and who have had a teaching load of at least six hours per semester (or the equivalent for librarians) for five of the previous seven semesters. Previous honorees are not eligible.
Nomination Procedures
A joint call for nominations will be issued by the Faculty Committee and the Alumni Office. Students, faculty, and alumni may nominate faculty for the award by providing a statement of support for the candidate to the Faculty Support Office. Each nominator may submit the name of only one faculty member, using the attached template to submit nominations. Nominations must be received by 5:00 p.m. on the second Friday of February. Nominations for faculty members who are ineligible and nominations received after the deadline will be returned to the nominators.
The nominations will be studied by a Nominating Committee, consisting of three students selected by the Student Senate, two previous honorees, a librarian, and at least one other faculty member appointed by a School Dean, ensuring that all three Schools at Siena are represented. The Nominating Committee shall be established by the Faculty Committee with assistance from the Provost and Senior Vice President. By the first Monday in March, the Nominating Committee shall select no more than six Finalists and no more than one from each Department, by assessing the number of nominations each candidate receives and the content of the supporting statements. The faculty chair need not convene the Nominating Committee unless (1) there are more than six nominees and/or (2) other issues arise needing the committee’s attention; e.g. more than one nominee from the same department
Once the nominee list has been finalized, the Provost and Senior Vice President will send an announcement to the entire faculty identifying and congratulating the nominees.
The Jerome Walton Award Selection Committee will make the final decision. The Selection Committee will be composed of elected faculty representatives along with three students appointed by the Student Senate. The Selection Committee reviews all materials, engages in deliberations, and selects the Honoree by the first Friday in April. The chair of the faculty then contacts the awardee and the other nominees to report the decision. Members of the committee will recuse themselves if a nominee comes from their department or in case of any other perceived or possible conflict of interest.
The Chair of the Selection Committee shall notify the finalists of their selection by the first Friday in March and invite them to submit a teaching dossier by the third Friday in March to the Faculty Support Office. The teaching dossier should include (1) a teaching statement; (2) a brief resume emphasizing teaching history; (3) student evaluations from the most recent six semesters of teaching; (4) grade distribution charts from the most recent six semesters of teaching; and (5) no more than five letters of support, including one from the Department Chair and one from the School Dean. Letters beyond the limit of five or letters received after the due date shall be returned to the senders. Submissions should be made electronically to facultysupport@siena.edu.
The Honoree and the other Finalists will be recognized at the annual Faculty and Administrator Reception and Awards Ceremony. The Honoree will also be acknowledged at Commencement and will be invited to speak at Commencement.