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Data at Siena College is generated from many different systems and offices. Although generated by the different offices, data is ultimately owned by the College and is an institutional asset. This asset needs to be protected, secured and used effectively. Developing data quality framework (such as data cleaning processes, data definitions, etc.)  and data use processes to strive towards higher levels of data integrity is essential. This will allow for better reporting, analytics and more accurate data-informed decision making.  In order to work towards these goals, a Data Governance Committee has been formed which is a cross functional Committee with the following charge:  

Charge of the Data Governance Committee

Data governance is essential to generate valid data that can be used to inform decisions at the college. The data governance committee is a standing committee with responsibility for data governance oversight at Siena College. This committee is charged with addressing data quality and standardization issues and recommending best practices and efficient, effective processes related to the management of the college’s data assets.

To address data quality and standardization issues, the data governance committee is responsible for the following activities: 

  • Maintaining the data definitions which are a living document.
  • Serving as a central conduit for faculty, staff and administrators to report data quality issues.
  • Engaging in data quality clean-up activities and prioritizing data quality cleanup projects. 
  • Participating in the selection of institutional level tools for business analytics (if applicable).
  • Taking the necessary actions to address emerging data quality and standardization issues.

The recommended practices and processes should be related to data cleaning, data matching, and data standardization including but not limited to...

  • Streamlined business processes to ensure consistent data entry (where necessary) and data integrity practices.
  • Recommend policies and processes that promote a culture of data sharing and college-level data ownership.  
  • A streamlined and data security-minded process for data requests.

Committee Members:     

The membership of this committee will include Standing Committee members and Rotating Committee members.

Standing Committee members will include the following positions:

  • Registrar, Office of Registrar
  • Director of Institutional Research, Office of Institutional Effectiveness
  • Director of Administrative Computing, Information Technology Services
  • Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs, Institutional Effectiveness (AVPAA, IE)
  • Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs, Chief Information Officer (AVPAA, CIO)

The Unit Heads for the above units (Registrar and ITS) may choose to add additional people from their unit to the membership if necessary.

Rotating members will include at least one member from the following areas. These areas will select appropriate personnel who have responsibility for data, data management or compliance:

  • Athletics
  • Development and External Affairs
  • Finance
  • Enrollment Management 
  • Human Resources
  • Student Life 
  • Faculty (At-Large)
  • Provost Office

The Committee is co-chaired by the AVPAA, Institutional Effectiveness and the AVPAA, Chief Information Officer. 



This committee is charged with addressing data quality and standardization issues and recommending best practices and efficient, effective processes related to the management of the college’s data assets.

Data Stewards

Data Stewards are responsible for ensuring the appropriate maintenance, quality and use of institutional data within their designated areas of administrative responsibility.


Committee Co-Chair

112 Trustco Center


Committee Co-Chair