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- A “team-taught” course is a course in which both faculty are to be considered the primary instructors; both share equally the teaching responsibilities of the course and are present during each class. (This applies to courses designated as “team-taught” via the BOI, as well as courses that are designated as “team-taught” but not passed by the BOI.)
- It should be noted that any team-taught course is only offered at the recommendation of the department head and dean (subject to VPAA approval) The department heads and deans will weigh the financial cost to the institution and the possible necessity for adjunct instructors before making this recommendation.
- If the course was designated as team-taught, then each faculty member teaching the course shall receive full contact credit. It is expected in a team-taught course that both faculty members will be present during each class and share teaching responsibilities. Any current policies on overload payment apply also to team-taught courses.
- If the course was not designated as “team-taught”, then the department head and dean must agree to the arrangement AND the contact credit is split/shared by the faculty.