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Students who are not returning to Siena College are required to complete a Leave of Absence and Withdrawal form.  It is the student’s responsibility to obtain and complete this form. In some instances – academic or disciplinary dismissal - this form will be completed by a designated college official.

Because the decision to take a leave of absence or to withdraw from Siena has far reaching ramifications, we encourage you to consult widely with campus resources.  Discuss your options with your academic advisor, counselor, Financial Aid representative, School Dean, Residence Director, Friar in Residence, your parents or other family members, to determine if a withdrawal or leave is the appropriate course of action.  It is our hope that whatever decision you make it is in the best interest of your educational goals. 


 If the student is missing < 3 days, s/he should be directed to work out any impact of the absence with faculty members according to each faculty member's syllabus. 

If > 3 days, the student may request a medical leave for a condition necessitating his/her absence from the College by providing Health Services with documentation of the medical condition. 

  • Health Services notifies Student Life (SL) of their receipt of documentation
  • SL then notifies the student's faculty and any pertinent offices (e.g., VPAA, Community Living, Student Academic Success and Engagement - SASE). 

Students should note that a medical leave only provides their faculty with notice that they are missing classes for a documented medical reason.  It is the students’ responsibility to contact their faculty to determine how the leave impacts their ability to succeed. 

If their medical leave occurs toward the end of the semester, SASE may recommend that the student request incompletes in one or more classes.  Depending upon the student’s situation, a SASE staff person may reach out to faculty on the student’s behalf.


If the student misses a substantial amount (e.g., two weeks), SL will refer the student to a staff person in SASE who may act as a liaison between the student and his/her faculty and can assist the student in making a plan for academic recovery.


The Counseling Center and/or Health Services determines need and indicates that need to SL.  SL coordinates with the student and other pertinent offices on a variety of concerns (e.g., date of withdrawal, applicable refunds, financial aid, enrolling part-time).  Finally, the student is given instructions as to how to return to Siena (i.e., contact Community Living, SASE , and Financial Aid).  While there is no formal readmit process/form for students wishing to return to Siena, in certain circumstances, there may be conditions in place for a student’s return.


Students should be directed to the Registrar's Office (RO) where they will be asked to do a brief exit interview and to complete the withdrawal form (if they still choose to withdraw after the interview).  RO then updates the shared Google document (available to pertinent offices) and notifies those same offices via email about the update.  There is no separate leave of absence form, and no distinction is made between a leave and a withdrawal.


Students or parents reporting a death in a student's family should be referred to the VPAA’s Office (academicaffairs@siena.edu) which will notify the student's faculty of the dates of the absence(s). 

The VPAA Office will also copy Community Living, SASE, and SKIPs plus the student on the email.

If there are questions please call, 518-783-2307


In the case of either an Administrative Withdrawal or Academic Dismissal from the College, the appropriate College official will complete the withdrawal form for the student unless the student has been instructed to file this form.