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Institutional policy regarding examinations is published in the Siena College Catalog. Please review this policy and remind your students about these regulations. PLEASE note that class exams may not be held during free period.
All required final written examinations are scheduled by the registrar for the entire College at the close of each semester. Not all courses require a written final examination, however. Beginning with fall 2012, all state-mandated instructional minutes will be incorporated in the academic calendar without consideration of final examinations. If scheduled, final examinations must be conducted in each course during the time specified in the final examination period, unless other arrangements have been made and approved by your Department Head and the Academic Affairs Office.
Every instructor schedules other tests and examinations which in his or her judgment are required either by the objectives of the course or by the specific needs of the students. Credit will not be granted in any courses until all assigned examinations have been taken. Instructors will hold final examinations on file for a period of one year. A student who is absent from any examination without an excusable reason will receive an F for that examination and will not be permitted to take it at a later date. When a student has missed a final examination in December or May for some valid reason, a make-up examination may be taken. The make-up examination must be taken within one month from the closing of the semester at the convenience of the instructor. Under no circumstances will a student who has already taken a final examination be permitted to take a reexamination.
Examinations must be consistent with the course syllabus. School policy requires all instructors to provide their school office with a copy of the examination. Final grades must be submitted through Self Service for Faculty according to the schedule distributed with the final grade rosters.
Each semester a small number of students have conflicts.
If they are scheduled for two exams at the same time, please arrange for a mutually convenient time for an alternate exam.
Each semester a small number of students are scheduled to have three exams in one day. It is our policy that students are not required to take three exams on any calendar day (not a 24 hour period). If this occurs, the student has the option to choose the two exams for which the student will sit. The faculty member and student must make arrangements for an alternate time/place.