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- Deans normally look at course enrollments at the end of the registration (pre-registration) periods and they use their judgment and experience in deciding to cancel sections. (For fall scheduling purposes, the deans will examine course enrollments on August 15. For spring scheduling purposes, the deans will examine course enrollments on December 1.)
- Deans discuss low-enrolled courses with department heads (and other deans, if the course is a service course). A large percentage of part-time students register within 3 days of the first class. An assessment of the likelihood of higher enrollments for FT faculty should be made. Every effort to reschedule FT faculty should be made as soon as possible. The dean and department head should consider the likelihood of additional enrollment. Normally, during the academic year, courses with enrollments below ten (10) will be cancelled.
- If the course is being taught by adjunct or in overload (for a FT faculty member), the Dean informs the faculty of the tutorial-pay policy.
- If the course is being taught in load (for a FT faculty member), the Dean usually discusses this with the VPAA.
- If a FT faculty member’s course is cancelled before the start of a semester (or even after the add date in a semester), the Dean discusses with the department head the availability of alternate sections. (This is rarely done because “bumping” an adjunct is often not possible). Because this is rarely possible, usually the Dean and VPAA decide upon a reassignment for the faculty.
- Sections are not normally cancelled after the start of the semester for the following reasons:
- It is too late to change a FT faculty's schedule (although, we try to find another section or a reassignment).
- It is too late to move a FT faculty into teaching a section being taught by an adjunct -the adjunct has a contract (and has already done a significant amount of preparatory work).