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Students have the right to dispute a grade within 60 days of receipt of a grade report. The procedure for
appeal is as follows:
- A student who believes that an error has been made in assigning a grade should discuss the basis upon which the grade was determined with the instructor within 60 days of receipt of a grade report.
- If after this review of the grading criteria for the course and the student's performance in it, the student is not satisfied with the assigned grade, an appeal may be made to the department head. Such appeal should be made in writing, stating the basis upon which the grade is questioned and requesting a departmental review.
- If following the review the student is not satisfied with the departmental decision, appeal may be made to the School Dean.
- If the situation is not resolved at the school level, a final determination for disposition of the matter will rest with the Provost and Senior Vice President in consultation with the School Dean.