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Winter Session at Siena!
December 19 - JANUARY 13
Siena's four-week Winter Sessions offer a great opportunity to get ahead or catch up, study from home, and save money at the same time with our reduced Winter Session tuition rates. All Winter Session courses are online. Registration opens on November 8, 2022.
During Winter Session, undergraduate part-time tuition is reduced to $500/credit hour.* Regular part-time tuition is $675/credit hour during the fall and spring semesters. Students may take a maximum of two courses through Siena's Winter Session each year.
Take Two Courses and Save Even More...
Students taking a second course from any of the undergraduate Winter term offerings receive an additional discounted rate of only $250/credit hour per course. Your first 3 credit course would cost $1,500 and your second course would cost $750.00. This is a savings of $1,800 for the two courses. Under normal tuition rates of $675 a credit hour, two 3-credit classes would have a cost of $4,050.00. For our 4-credit classes the cost would be $1,000 for the second class.
*Graduate courses are not eligible for discount.