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The Martin Luther King Jr. and Coretta Scott King Lecture Series on Race and Nonviolent Social Change was established by Siena College in 1988 to preserve the legacy of the nonviolent human rights movement as it was expressed in the life and teachings of Martin Luther King Jr. and has been continued after his death by Coretta Scott King. This lecture series is sponsored as an activity of Siena College and will explore how problems such as racism, sexism, classism, militarism and prejudice in our nation and throughout the world can be confronted effectively through dynamic efforts informed by social justice and nonviolent action. The lecturers, with the approval of the President of Siena College, are chosen by an Advisory Board of Directors representing Siena College and religious and civic leaders in the Capital District of the State of New York.
Mailing List
MLK Advisory Board
- Lisa A. Nevarez, Ph.D., Chair
- Anne M. Pope, Vice Chair
- Br. George Camacho, O.F.M.
- Miki Conn
- Rev. Maurice E. Drown, D. Min.
- Christa Grant, Ed.D.
- Soyoung Joo, Ph.D.
- Jesse Moya, Ph.D.
- Paul T. Murray, Ph.D.
- Jodi O'Donnell, Ph.D.
- Shelly Z. Shapiro
- Todd D. Snyder, Ph.D.
- B.J. Rosenfeld
- Paul Uppal
websites which may be of interest to you:
Other King Sites
Siena Affiliated Sites
Other Relevant Sites
- The M. K. Gandhi Institute for Nonviolence
- The International Fellowship of Reconciliation
- The Fellowship of Reconciliation in the United States
- Corrymeela Online
- The Albert Einstein Institution
- National Civil Rights Museum
- Southern Christian Leadership Conference
- Mediation Network for Northern Ireland
- Irish School of Ecumenics
- The Taizé Community
- The Iona Community
- Peace People
- Sojourners Online
- United States Institute of Peace
- Quaker Peace Center in South Africa
- Mennonite Central Committee
- Institute for Justice and Reconciliation
- National Association for the Advancement of Colored People
- The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops