Interested in offering a current or potential course?
Siena College partners with more than a dozen schools to offer dual enrollment courses. Fill out the form below so we can understand your needs and better serve you!
ASTR-100 - 3 credits
This course serves as an introduction to the basic principles of Astronomy. The course is taught at a non-technical level and is intended both for non-science majors. Topics include the history of Astronomy, the Solar System, stars, galaxies, the structure and evolution of the Universe, and the origin and evolution of life. Emphasis is placed on the quantitative and qualitative description of astronomical objects, the methods of scientific deduction, and the implications of astronomical knowledge. Opportunities for field and laboratory work will be provided. (ATTR: ARTS, CAN, CDN)
CREA-200 - 3 credits
An introductory level studio course covering the practice, history, and theory of drawing. Students will use a variety of media and techniques to study still-life, landscape, and the human form. Students will inquire into the purpose of drawing and analyze the historical and contemporary uses of the media. Emphasis will be placed on the creative application of the media. (ATTR: ARTS, CAA, CDA, EXCA)
CSIS-110 - 3 credits
This course is a broad introduction to a variety of fundamental topics in computer science through a contemporary theme such as robotics, the web, graphics, or gaming. Students will consider problems in the application area that can be solved with software. Using the theme of the course, students will be introduced to important areas of computer science including abstraction, computer organization, representation of information, history of computing, ethics, and the development and evaluation of algorithmic solutions using an appropriate programming environment. Themes may differ across sections. (ATTR: ARTS, CAQ, CDQ, REC, STVN)
CSIS-120 - 4 credits
An introduction to the object-oriented design paradigm with an emphasis on problem-solving, algorithm development, and implementation of algorithms as computer programs in an object-oriented language. Other topics will include data representation, programming style, program testing and analysis of algorithms. (ATTR: ARTS, CAQ, CDQ)
CSIS-180 - 3 credits
Web Design is a hands-on course covering the history and development of the Internet, the Web and the core technologies used to implement modern websites. Students will design and implement websites using sematic markup languages, style sheets, and various software tools and applications. The course will include techniques for integrating a wide range of media formats, and design fundamentals needed in implementing effective, user- friendly websites. (ATTR: ARTS, MUMD)
EDUC-210 - 3 credits
This introductory course orients the student to the professional field of education and schooling in the United States. Issues researched and discussed include but are not limited to the following: history and philosophy of education; purpose and role of public education; rights and responsibilities of all educational stakeholders; governance at the local, state, and federal level; and interactions among the school, home, and community that support and enhance student learning. In particular, this course will explore the issue of educational access, emphasizing student diversity within the full range of disabilities and special needs. A fifteen-hour field experience is required (transportation is the responsibility of each student). For students pursuing Siena's certification sequence, the field experience must be at the secondary level (grades 7-12). (ATTR: ARTS, CAS, CDS)
ENGL-101 - 3 credits
This course offers students practice in critical thinking, reading, responding to, and analyzing a wide variety of literature. Because the course is writing-intensive, students will gain experience in writing and revising critical essays about literature. Readings will include literature from diverse classic and contemporary authors, as well as various literary genres. Same as ENGL 011. (ATTR: ARTS, CDE)
MATH-010 - 3 credits
Much of the mathematics which impinges on everyday life is of the finite variety. This course will introduce students to topics from Number Theory, Combinatorics, Complexity Theory, Difference Equations, Game Theory, Geometry, Graph Theory, Information Theory, Group Theory, Logic, Probability and Simple Descriptive Statistics, and Set Theory. Preference will be given to topics which convey to the student the prevalence of finite mathematics in modern society, with applications which are accessible to student experimentation Primarily intended for Liberal Arts and Business majors. (ATTR: ARTS, CAQ, CDQ)
MUMD-225 - 3 credits
This fundamental course explores the multitude of ways that digital applications are used in the field of art and design. Essential software programs in the Adobe Creative Suite will be introduced as students build familiarity with the use of line, shape, texture and color in order to create designs that build a sense of space, time, and motion. Projects such as photo collage, pattern design, and character animation will help students develop familiarity with concepts of harmony, scale and proportion, and contrast and emphasis. Knowledge of these tools and how they work will help students better understand art and design aesthetics for 2D mediums such as screen based and print media as well as photography, film, and animation.
PHIL-155 - 3 credits
This course is an introduction to logic for students of contemporary philosophy and its allied fields (mathematics, computer science, political science, social and cognitive science, etc.) It is intended for beginning students and covers: basic formal approaches to standard propositional and predicate logic, together with philosophically important extensions of standard deductive logic; basic formal approaches to inductive logic; and elementary philosophy of logic.
PHYS-110 - 4 credits
An introductory course in physics for students of the life sciences emphasizing kinematics, Newtonian dynamics and energy. Also includes rotational motion, fluids, heat and thermodynamics. Applications to biological systems are discussed. Three lectures and one three-hour laboratory period a week. (ATTR: ARTS, CAN, CDN, STVN)
PHYS-120 - 4 credits
A continuation of PHYS-110 for life science students, treating electricity and magnetism, electric circuits, waves and optics, and elementary topics in atomic and nuclear physics. Includes applications to biological systems. Three hours of lectures and one three-hour laboratory period a week. (ATTR: ARTS, CAN)
A study of the basic topics in psychology that lay the foundation for courses leading to a major in psychology and are relevant to assisting students in understanding themselves and others. This course is recommended to students seeking an elective in psychology and as the initial course for psychology majors. (ATTR: ARTS, CAS, CDS, STVS).
WRIT-220 - 3 credits
WRIT-220 is designed to help students gain confidence and fluency in communicating arguments orally. Introducing students to basic theories and concepts of public speaking, this course explores how verbal and nonverbal communication impacts the rhetorical effectiveness of public speakers. Students will critique, analyze, compose, and perform original persuasive speeches. No exam. (ATTR: ARTS, WRIT)
Siena College partners with more than a dozen schools to offer dual enrollment courses. Fill out the form below so we can understand your needs and better serve you!