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As we prepare to recognize the Class of 2021 this weekend, we remain steadfastly committed to celebrating your graduation your way. There is no precedent for a belated commencement, and so from the start, we’ve encouraged class leadership to take the reins so we could develop an event that supported your desires. Recently, your elected leaders deployed a survey and sought feedback from each member of last year’s graduating class. At the recommendation of your Class Council, and with consideration for the majority opinion made clear in the survey results, preparations have begun for next summer’s Class of 2020 Celebration.
The 2020 Class Council endorsed plans for an informal on-campus celebration in June of 2022 that would coincide with Reunion Weekend. This idea was supported by the majority of graduates who participated in the survey. The event will most likely feature a toast and speeches, games on the quad, plenty to eat, and so much more. And while this option was much preferred over a traditional ceremony, there will be a stage and an opportunity for pictures in full commencement regalia; we would be honored to pose for individual pictures with each one of you.
The Class of 2021 will enjoy a traditional commencement this weekend, but with stipulations in place for testing, masking, and physical distancing. By next summer, we don’t anticipate any restrictions on campus which would allow for an amazing experience.
Specific dates, times, and events are still to be determined, but in the meantime, we will continue to work with your class leaders to create an event well worth the wait. We anxiously look forward to seeing you again and celebrating your many outstanding contributions to Siena.
Go Saints!
Chris Gibson '86, Ph.D.
Margaret Madden, Ph.D.