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The General Faculty Committee shall serve as advocate in matters of general welfare and interest including salaries, as well as in matters of individual faculty concern. The Committee may be charged with specific responsibilities by the faculty and may receive suggestions from the President, the Provost and Senior Vice President, or any individual member in accordance with the rules of procedure adopted by the Committee.

Committee recommendations will encompass all aspects of the pertinent topic and include financial implications.

Membership and Length of Term:

Members of the Committee are responsible for informing their constituency of activities of the Committee.

The General Faculty Committee is composed of six members plus a Chairperson.

  • One representative is chosen from each of the three schools and from the Librarians.
  • Elections are held in April for terms that begin the following September 1.
  • The term of office is two years and the terms are staggered to provide continuity on the Committee.

Current Year Members

  • Chair: Jesse Karr, term expires August 31, 2023
  • Arts: Marcela Garcés, term expires August 31, 2023
  • Business: TBA
  • Science: Sarah Berke, Communications Officer, term expires August 31, 2022
  • Library: Alison Larsen, term expires August 31, 2024
  • At-Large: Tim Cooper, Parliamentarian, term expires August 31, 2023
  • At-Large: Nicole Heller, term expires August 31, 2024


The Chairperson is chosen by the entire full-time faculty. The Chairperson shall receive a one-quarter reduction of the teaching load.

Meetings and Agenda:

The chairperson may call meetings of the faculty at his/her option during the school year.

The Committee is also authorized to request the President or the Provost and Senior Vice President to call a faculty meeting.

The dates of meetings and the agenda must be announced to all members of the faculty one week prior to the meeting except in extraordinary circumstances.

Minutes: Minutes are kept by the faculty support secretary and published/posted.

Responsible to: the faculty