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The following procedures are followed at the meetings scheduled for interview of a candidate and her/his Department Head or Department Representative:
The faculty member under consideration shall have the option of personally presenting a statement to the Committee. The Faculty Status Committee shall not consider the failure of a member of the faculty to appear as prejudicial. Nor shall the Committee ask the involved Department Head why the faculty member chose not to appear. (Faculty Handbook I:B.1.a) The Department Head is required to attend.
If the candidate chooses to appear, s/he and the Department Head/Representative wait outside the meeting room until the Committee has invited them in. The Dean makes a brief statement regarding the candidate and the committee briefly discusses the candidate before inviting him/her into the room. Note that the Dean has provided her/his recommendation in writing and a copy has been provided to all Committee members and was available for preview by the candidate. This allows the members time to share observations of material given them and to determine any specific information or questions to direct to the candidate and Department Head/Representative.
The candidate and Department Head are invited into the meeting. The candidate is offered the opportunity to speak on his/her own behalf regarding his/her qualifications for tenure or promotion.
Committee members then ask questions of the candidate. When finished, the candidate leaves the meeting but waits outside. Then the Department Head speaks about the candidate and answers any questions directed to him/her by the Committee.
The VPAA asks the Department Head/Representative if there are departmental criteria for tenure (or promotion). The VPAA asks the Department Head/Representative to describe the procedure used to obtain the departmental recommendation.
If the Department Head or Dean speaks negatively or provides information or takes a stance that differs from positions stated in the written material provided by the Department, the candidate is invited back into the meeting and is given the opportunity to comment. Note that the Department Head has provided his/her recommendation in writing and a copy has been provided to all Committee members and was available for preview by the candidate.
When the Department Head is finished, she/he leaves the meeting and the process starts from the beginning for the next candidate.
Procedures followed at the Committee on Faculty Status meeting's scheduled for deliberations over candidate’s applications.
After the last candidate’s interview, meetings are scheduled for the Committee to have final discussions of all candidates. During these meetings each candidate’s materials and interview are thoroughly reviewed, starting with comments by the respective Dean.
After the completion of all the deliberations, a ballot is distributed for each candidate and provided to each Committee member. The votes are counted and reported to the Committee. The meeting is then adjourned.
Within the briefest interval possible, the VPAA drafts two letters for each candidate. (Faculty Handbook, I: B.5) (Heading 2). The letters are shared with the Committee members through e-mail. If necessary, the Committee will reconvene to draft the letters.
Letter to the candidate from the VPAA on behalf of the Committee, informing the candidate of the general tenor (Heading 2) of the recommendation of the Committee. This letter provides information regarding whether the recommendation of the Committee was positive or negative.
Letter to the President with a recommendation and a statement of the evaluation containing all substantial reasons and evidence that the Committee considered in reaching its final recommendation. This is a consensus report; however, any member is allowed to submit a dissenting recommendations.
The letters are delivered and the activities of the Committee related to these candidates are thereby complete, unless the President refers the case back to the Committee for further action.
There is an appeal process that is described in the Faculty Handbook (I: C).