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Evaluation of teaching faculty members shall be based primarily on performance in teaching. At the teaching faculty member's request, they may provide supplementary data concerning scholarship and service to the College.


The process for discussion and voting on a Teaching Faculty's application to become Teaching Professor will be consistent with the procedures in the applicable Department's promotion guidelines. 




Specific materials to submit: The candidate should complete an electronic dossier (ePortfolio in Digication). The ePortfolio will be made available to members of the teaching faculty member's department, the dean and the Status Committee. 

  1. Personal Data Report or Resume: All departmental members are expected to complete this form annually or to manually update it via Sedona
  2. Statement of Teaching Philosophy
  3. Courses Taught
    • Assessment
      • Copies of all submitted assessments
      • Approach to integrating assessment results
    • Syllabi and Course Assignments
  4. Evaluations
    • Classroom Evaluations. Copies of all evaluations should be included.
      • Department
      • Dean
      • Peer Comments
    • Student Evaluations. Candidates must make available data from questions approved by the College, School and Department for student Evaluations
      • Summary of Statistics by course taught
      • Summary of student comments Positive & Negative
      • Copies of all evaluations


Teaching is the primary function of teaching faculty.

  1. Professional Development: In order to maintain high standards of teaching, teaching faculty are expected to remain current in their field through professional development; the College has provided a Professional Development Fund for this purpose. Therefore, teaching faculty must include a statement of their professional development philosophy, and a description of the efforts they have undertaken and are undertaking in order to remain current in their fields. 
  2. Service to the College and Community: A faculty member must document his or her activity in service. Committee work or administrative tasks should be evaluated by letters from committee peers, project supervisors, or administrative supervisors. In the following areas no priority is implied: 
    • Administrative task
    • Assistance to student organizations
    • Academic advising of students
    • Committee work
    • Utilization of professional skills for departmental, school, and college initiatives
  3. Self-evaluation goals for the Future: The teaching faculty member must provide a written overview summarizing what the faculty member aims to accomplish in the next 2 — 5 years. This summary should include how the faculty member has addressed and plans on addressing comments contained in classroom evaluations and student evaluations, and progress against planned professional development agenda 


All faculty members are expected to maintain consistently high standards of teaching. Methods of evaluation of teaching include: departmental and dean classroom observations of teaching (with written feedback) as outlined in the Faculty Handbook, student evaluations and teaching portfolios. Characteristics of excellent teaching are: 

  1. Solid knowledge of subject being taught.
  2. Continuing development of techniques and activities in classroom instruction and evaluation of students. 
  3. Motivating and mentoring students in and out of the classroom by providing constructive commentary and guidance on their work, and advising students 
  4. Positive student response to instruction as evidenced by student evaluations and other tangible forms of feedback