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Diversity Action Committee (DAC) Student Fellowships are awarded to current Siena College students who are developing a project, performance, production or event, or pursuing research or a program of study that will increase their knowledge of diversity and effect positive change within the Siena community.  DAC Student Fellowships support students examining issues related to gender, race, ethnicity, class, religion, age, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, and/or disability. 

The purpose of DAC Student Fellowships is to empower and cultivate expertise on the part of the student fellow and to foster interactive learning environments within the Siena community. Past DAC Fellows have used the funding to attend Camp Pride at Vanderbilt University and to organize a Martin Luther King Jr. Day of Service project in the Capital Region.  Possible off-campus programs might include participation or travel to a conference or a workshop that addresses, for example, community engagement or leadership in a multicultural world. On-campus projects might include a survey of Siena students regarding issues of respect, inclusion, and culturally responsive learning in the classroom; working on the Open Forum; or developing diversity events. The project can also be done as a part of a thesis/capstone when it is clear that the addition of a Fellowship will contribute to the knowledge of diversity and effect positive change within the Siena community. The award would be a great addition to your resume, and conducting research or attending a conference will help you gain the insight and experience necessary to work and thrive in a diverse world. 

Multiple grants may be awarded in different amounts, depending on the project, program of study, or travel expenses.  Fellowships may be requested up to $500.00 (in exceptional circumstances, if justified, larger amounts may be awarded), and the funds must be used to support at least one of the following areas:

  • Travel expenses for a conference or workshop related to diversity and inclusion 
  • Travel expenses to an exhibition, show, or event related to diversity
  • Registration fees for conferences, workshops, exhibitions, shows or other events related to diversity and inclusion
  • Hands-on project, research, or program of study related to diversity, done on or off-campus
  • Projects such as an independent study and/or honors thesis that clearly show diversity-related addition (including necessary materials and supplies; i.e. books, software, etc.) 
  • Invitation of guest speakers for on-campus events who speak on diversity issues
  • Offering workshops, lectures, and/or panel discussions on diversity for Siena students and the broader community 
  • Theater and/or musical performances/production that focus on diversity (including necessary materials and supplies) 
  • Organization of exhibitions and/or cultural events focused on diversity (including necessary materials and supplies) 
  • Applications for Spring 2022 funding are due January 22, 2023.


  • Please note that the fellowships are intended to pay for student’s time and effort in carrying out their projects. It should not be used for paying speakers’ honorary fees or similar. We suggest students look for other sources to fund those payments.
  • All funded projects should be completed by June 1, 2023.

Please see further instructions and submit your application here.

Your application will address the following points:

  1. Project/Event and reasoning – What is the project or event you plan to carry out? Please describe the research project, conference, workshop, exhibition, show, or other event related to diversity and inclusion for which you are applying for this fellowship.
  2. How will the project increase your knowledge of diversity and effect positive change within the Siena community? 
  3. Idea for interactive outcome project – How will you share your results with the Siena community? (possible venues could be presentations at the Academic Showcase, Open Forum, podcasts, videos, etc.)
  4. The timeline for the project.
  5. Explanation of requested funding amount.
  6. Provide contact information (name and email) of one faculty/staff/administrator reference who can speak to your potential to successfully submit a report and share your results.

DAC Student Fellows will submit a short (1 page) report on the results of their project on the last day of the Spring 2023 semester.

If you have any questions about the fellowship, please contact Dr. Beverly Thompson (bthompson@siena.edu)