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The Diversity Action Committee Summer Fellowship may be in one of two areas:

  1. Curriculum Diversification provides summer salary support for individuals wishing to restructure an existing course, to develop a new course, or to create an innovative course module around diversity broadly construed in terms of gender expressions, races, ethnicities, classes, ages, sexual orientations, disabilities, and/or religious identities. Applicants are also encouraged to integrate inclusive teaching strategies such as digital scholarship into their courses. Projects should result in a new course centered on diversity or a substantial modification of an existing course. Please identify the questions and motivations guiding the course proposal in terms of diversity along with texts and examples in support of the proposal.
  2. Diversity Research provides summer salary support for individuals to engage in research projects concerning diversity, broadly construed in terms of gender expressions, races, ethnicities, classes, ages, sexual orientations, disabilities, and/or religious identities. The project may focus on pedagogical practices and issues pertaining to diversity; or it can be anchored in much broader cultural contexts and scenarios. The project may articulate specific concerns organized around diversity or may inquire into the idea of diversity, bringing its complexities to the foreground and/or problematizing them. The relevance to the field of study should be clearly explained.

Compensation for fellowships is equivalent to the summer stipend for a three-credit non-teaching overload. Fellowships are reported as income and, thus, are taxable.