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The Provost has worked with members of the Siena College faculty to develop a Diversity Action Committee (“DAC”). The Provost supports DAC and the goal of fostering diversity through Academic Affairs.


DAC is a committee composed of faculty and students of Siena College, working together to increase knowledge of diversity and to effect positive change within the Siena community concerning issues related to gender, race, ethnicity, class, age, sexual orientation, gender expression, and disability on campus.  Its purpose is to provide information and new perspectives on these issues; to improve personal and working relationships among our community, notably raising awareness of and acting in prevention against sexism, racism, ageism, classism, heterosexism, ableism, and other forms of categorical prejudice and discrimination in support of the College’s Human Rights policy; and to deepen knowledge and appreciation of diversity through integrated courses and focused programs.


DAC focuses its attention on two areas, and reports to the Provost, whose office funds the initiatives of the committee:

Curricular Concerns: Integration of courses; instruction of courses, faculty development; curriculum diversification grants; speakers and discussion groups; coordination of efforts with other faculty, staff, administrative efforts to further diversity on our campus; and enhancement of library holdings pertinent to diversity.

College Concerns: Advocating and supporting the recruitment and retention of diverse faculty, staff, administrators, and students; supporting and advocating for diverse students; working to create a campus climate that embraces diversity, and referring issues concerning harassment of diverse members of the community to the appropriate mechanisms under the Human Rights policy.

In order to share information on these issues, DAC will assist in creating an online summary of campus initiatives to support diversity.


DAC consists of a Chair or 2 Co-Chairs, and a Steering Committee. They are constituted as follows:

Chair:  The Chair is a faculty member whose duties include chairing the Steering Committee and the campus community open meetings, planning and coordinating the Committee’s activities, meeting with student groups focused on diversity, and representing the Committee to other groups and offices on campus. To assist in carrying out these duties, the Chair receives a 3 hour reassigned time in teaching load each semester. The Chair shall serve a 2-year term of office, beginning on June 1st.  The Chair position may be shared by 2 Co-Chairs, who share responsibilities and reassigned time.

Steering Committee:  The Steering Committee is composed of the Chair (or Co-Chairs), who chairs the committee,  the immediate past Chair(s), who serves ex-officio for one year;  the directors of  Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies, Multicultural Studies,  International Studies, and the Office of Academic and Community Engagement; four (4) appointed student members, who serve for one year; and four (4) elected faculty/staff members who serve 2-year terms,  staggered so that two (2) of the terms expire each year.  It is the function of the Steering Committee to advise and assist the Chair and to determine the policies and actions of the Committee.  The Steering Committee shall meet at least once per month during the months of September through April.  All members of the Committee have both voice and vote.  Terms of office begin on June 1st.  Election to the Steering Committee is open to faculty.