
This year's Open Houses at Siena College are scheduled for October 9 and November 6, and we couldn't be more pumped to get the parties going. Yes, parties. At Siena, that's how we treat admissions events—with careful planning, unique details and the goal of always outdoing last year's events. After all, you're being invited to dozens of Open Houses this time of year, so it's up to us to make sure you have a memorable time at Siena. Here are three things we think you'll like. 

1. Customized schedules. When you register, you'll tell us what you're interested in studying, and we'll shape part of your day around that. For example: love biology? You'll hear from our bio faculty about bio-related internships and career paths, as well as attend two lab demonstrations. Think you want to be a writer? Meet our liberal arts dean and professors to learn more about what we have to offer you. Not sure what major you'll declare? We'll have exploring students on hand (our term for "undecided") to fill you in on their experience. You're here to learn more how you fit in; why not make it personalized?

2. Financial aid help, reallyAt this year's Open Houses, we won't just talk to students about financial aid. If you're a senior with questions about the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), which became available on October 1, our financial team will be available to actually sit down with you and assist you in filling it out. We're all about teamwork here, as well as value

3. Lots and lots of freshmen. Like any other schools' Open House events, you'll meet a variety of people at ours—students of all ages, faculty, staff. But we're making it a point this year to have plenty of freshmen around, because really, there's no better way for you to visualize your first year here than by talking with first-year students who are fresh out of high school and into the Siena swing of things. See how much they've already accomplished in their first few weeks on campus, and ask them anything. We'll actually have a booth set up, Ask A Saint Anything; it can't get easier than that!