Every month, our admissions team will post a checklist of a couple things you could be doing at that time to 1) move along in the admissions process, or 2) better prepare yourself for when you’re ready to apply. Here’s our advice for October.
If you’re a junior:
√ Chat with your counselor. It’s a good time to check in with your guidance office and ask about your GPA and your track to graduation, and see if they can help you draw up an initial list of colleges to consider.
√ Attend college fairs. Find out if college representatives will be visiting your school, or if there are any college fairs happening in town that you can attend to start gathering information.
If you’re a senior:
√ Download our SAT checklist. The big day is Saturday, October 11. Taking the SAT? If you haven’t already, find out our best tips to help you prepare for the SAT and learn what to take with you on test day.
√ Relax. Filling out applications and studying for the SAT can be overwhelming and time-consuming. Get organized, make lists, ask for help and remember to take time for yourself to unwind from the chaos.
Want to show your parents how on track you are? Give them a copy of the SAT checklist as well. It includes tips for them, too!