“Lord, make us instruments of your peace.”
A candlelight procession of Siena community members wended its way from the Chapel to the Grotto to mark the end of St. Francis of Assisi’s time on earth and the beginning of his heavenly life.
Led by our Franciscan friars, Siena observes Transitus (Latin for “crossing”) each fall with an October 3 evening liturgy and procession heralding St. Francis’ October 4 feast day.
Thomas Dziubela ’25 and Thea Akhrass ’24 read narratives at Monday’s liturgy, which they helped organize as part of the coursework in their Franciscan Leadership class taught by Fr. Mark Reamer, O.F.M. D.Min.
“It was so wonderful to experience Transitus alongside my classmates,” said Dziubela. “Hearing St. Francis’s story enriched by beautiful music and a candlelight vigil at the Grotto was an experience I will not forget.”
Akhrass said Transitus “unites our college community its Franciscan identity, celebrating the light that Francis left, and continues to leave, to people around the world."