
Thinking about going to college for business? The Atlantic just recently ran an article called Why America's Business Majors Are in Desperate Need of a Liberal-Arts Education—and here at Siena, we could not agree more. Here's why.
1. Liberal arts skills will never become obsolete. In the article, author Yoni Applebaum says, "Put simply, business majors seem to be graduating with some of the technical skills they’ll need to secure jobs, but without having made the gains in writing or critical-thinking skills they’ll require to succeed over the course of their careers, or to adapt as their technical skills become outdated and the nature of the opportunities they have shifts over time."

At Siena, our business majors do graduate knowing how to write, how to think critically and how to think across disciplines creatively and strategically. That's because in addition to taking the courses required to fulfill their majors, Siena students receive a rigorous liberal arts education through our first-year seminar offerings and our core curriculumwhich covers everything from philosophy to quantitative analysis to creative arts.

2. The reality is: it's what employers want. From the article: "...when businesses go hunting for CEOs or managers, 'they will say, a couple of decades out, that I’m looking for a liberal arts grad,' said Judy Samuelson, executive director of the Aspen Institute’s Business and Society Program." 

Siena's Career Center has their fingers on the pulse of the job market 24/7, and can tell you with full confidence that this is absolutely true: more and more, employers want to hire professionals who have both an understanding of business and people; who know how and what business decisions to make and why. With a liberal arts education and a business major on your resume, you'll be exactly what those employers are looking for. 

3. You'll be prepared for more than just a job. "And beyond the career advantages that these skills confer, there’s a broader case for offering a liberal-arts education to the hundreds of thousands of students who graduate every year with business degrees. It doesn’t just increase their economic competitiveness, it also strengthens their ability to contribute to the broader society, and to lead fulfilling lives," writes Applebaum.

In addition to helping you secure a coveted job and lead a rewarding career, a liberal arts education can position you for a life you're proud ofin and out of the office. We have always believed that at Siena, and we're constantly proven right when it comes to our alumni and how they're using their liberal arts skills for the greater good. 

To learn more about what it's like to study business and hone liberal arts skills at Siena College, reach out to us anytime or schedule a visit. I also invite you to download our free infographic that covers more benefits of attending a small, private, liberal arts college. Just click below.

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