1. I was born the third child and only girl and raised in Cohoes, NY. I graduated from St. Agnes Parish School and Keveny Memorial Academy. To my great sorry, St. Agnes Church closed more than 25 years ago, and Keveny was demolished to make room for a parking lot! What remains are the wonderful memories of my parents, the street I grew up on and the friends and mentors I met along the way.
2. Speaking of mentors, my two older brothers helped me at age seven become the "All-time best night - crawler catcher ever." My fishermen brothers convinced me that I had a talent for nabbing worms and baiting their fish hooks. Here's how it worked: at dusk my father wet down the lawn to entice the worms to come to the surface; my oldest brother held the flashlight while the other brother held the pail. I nabbed and baited.
3. Inspired by the Second Vatican Council and an emphasis on service, I volunteered for a year of service with the Catholic Church Extension Society at Our Lady of Lourdes in Magna, Utah. My partner, Dottie, and I taught religion, worked on a parish census, and organized the high school youth program. Living in Mormon country was a wonderful experience.
4. Ed Richards '66 was a dazzling guy! We married and had four children together. He loved Siena and all that Siena had done for him. He convinced me to establish The Richards Family Scholarship. Sadly, he did not live to meet the first Richards Scholar.
5. In the days after 9/11, I could smell the burning rubble for months at my apartment on the upper west side of Manhattan. As part of our church's Hospitality Ministry, my friends and I served at 23 funerals and/or prayer services.
6. Nursing was originally in my post high school plans, but a Regents College Scholarship sent me to the College of Saint Rose and a teaching career followed. Younger women beware! I saw myself as a housewife who worked! I have taught and administered in junior and senior high school, adult education, and vocational education. Lots of interesting stories. For example, when I was an administrator in a South Jersey school located within 10 miles of the Salem Nuclear Power Plant, I received notices of trouble with the nuclear reactor. Scary, but we never did need to evacuate.
7. When I decided to leave public education, I took a bit of time to think of what was next. The "next" was a stop at NYU for a certificate in Philanthropy and Fundraising. Why fundraising? As a public school administrator, I never had the funds to do for my students what they and my staff needed. I wanted to be able to advocate for institutions who cared for young people. I worked for Covenant House in New York before coming to Siena.
8. Many of you probably know my Siena story: Dave Smith, Vice President for Development and External Affairs, took a chance to hire a mature, but relatively inexperienced fundraiser. I am most grateful to him, the Friars who inspire me, and my colleagues whose work over the last 15 years have made me look good. AND not only did I have a great work experience, I married Mr. WVCR, John Kelly! How awesome is that!
9. After I retire from Siena on May 31, I will be looking for the "What's next?" Interspersed with the "what's next?" will be traveling (I hope) to the Dominican Republic for a birthday party, Jordan and Israel, Phoenix and last but not least, Los Angeles.
10. Since I can't wear "big girl" shoes anymore, I have adopted a new fashion trend: ugly shoes, fabulous socks. I own and wear one pair at a time: 10 food, seven animal, eight flower, three Christmas, one Neiman Marcus, and one RUTH BADER GINSBURG! Also, polka dots, stripes and sundry others.