Siena College’s Symposium on Living Philosophers continues on Monday, March 31 at 5 p.m. as this year’s featured philosopher Judith Butler, Ph.D. delivers a free, public lecture titled "Vulnerability and Resistance" inside Siena’s Sarazen Student Union.
Judith Butler is one of the most important thinkers of our time. She is the Maxine Elliot Professor of Rhetoric and Comparative Literature at the University of California, Berkeley. Butler is also Visiting Tam Mellon Professor of the Humanities at Columbia University and Hannah Arendt Chair at the European Graduate School. Her work on feminism, psychoanalysis and ethical and political theory has fundamentally shaped much philosophical and political discourse over the last several decades.
Butler has published almost twenty books on topics ranging from war, torture, and vulnerability, to gender, sexuality, power and disability. Her work resonates profoundly with Siena College’s commitment to diversity and social justice, and its focus on relationships between people.
Working with a team of Siena faculty and an external scholar, a small group of students spent the past academic year exploring Butler’s work. Along with her lecture, Butler will engage in a student panel where they will present their research on her work. The panel will be held on Friday, April 4 in the Fr. Ben Kuhn House.