Twenty three college students, including fourteen Siena Saints, participated in this year's Summer Service Scholars.
Sponsored by Siena's Academic Community Engagement, this program brings together students from Siena and other colleges to serve in New York's Capital Region. Students conduct research or complete an internship during a 9-week, 300-hour term of service.
Victoria Freire '16 worked as the Community Outreach and Youth Education Coordinator for Centro Civico, a community organization serving hispanics and families in need. Centro Civico promotes self-sufficiency by helping Albany and Montgomery County community members find jobs or a place to live, teaching them English, and helping them to become citizens. Freire coordinated the Center's Summer Youth Employment Program and the annual Community Health Fair.
"Most summers I spend my entire time working a meaningless job. This summer I decided that my time could be better spent gaining experience in a non-profit sector, which is something I might want to pursue after college," said Freire, who was able to coordinate the organization's Summer Youth Employment Program and the annual Community Health Fair.
The program also hosted Susannah Berry from Hobart and William Smith Colleges to serve at the Underground Railroad History Project and Jasmine Thomas from Bard College, who served with the Troy Boys and Girls Club
Siena College is committed to helping students like Berry, Thomas and Freire bring their passion for service to life and help their communities.
"Siena provided me with a vessel to channel my passion. Through the countless opportunities to give back to my community, I have grown personally and professionally," said Freire. "Having service be a Siena pillar has only provided me with mentors and like-minded people that have helped me combine my major, service, and passion into a future career."