Siena College has been named to the 2014 President’s Higher Education Community Service Honor Roll with distinction in the “general community service” category. This is the third year Siena has been named to the Honor Roll, which is released by the Corporation for National & Community Service.
The President’s Higher Education Community Service Honor Roll recognizes institutions that support high-achieving community service programs and raise the visibility of successful campus community partnerships.
Director of Siena’s Office of Academic Community Engagement Mathew Johnson, Ph.D. said it is an honor for the College to be nationally recognized for its work in building innovative and sustainable community partnerships.
“Siena’s investment in community engagement through the Strategic Plan of the College and the Comprehensive Campaign has propelled the work of ACE and the College unto the national stage,” Johnson said, adding that while a large number of colleges and universities have gained general recognition as part of the Honor Roll, only about 120 achieve distinction each year.
Through its various initiatives, ACE supports academically-grounded community partnerships with dozens of organizations throughout the Capital Region. Participants in ACE programs will provide more than 120,000 hours of high quality capacity-building service which is equivalent to more than $3.1 million in community contribution as valued by Independent Sector, the industry’s independent volunteer valuation standard.
This academic year alone, more than 175 Siena students have enrolled in an AmeriCorps term of service across all of the ACE program offerings, allowing Siena students to earn more than $210,000 in federal education awards. Post-graduate VISTA Fellows will earn an additional $160,000 in federal education awards.