Siena College has established a relationship with Clarkson University in which Siena students can complete their undergraduate education and then proceed directly into Clarkson's Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT) program.
The agreement is effective with the graduating class of 2017 and qualified Siena graduates will receive an automatic three-course scholarship from Clarkson, representing a 30 percent reduction in tuition costs. The program is based at Clarkson's Capital Region Campus (formerly Union Graduate College) in Schenectady.
"Siena is pleased to collaborate with Clarkson," said Siena Vice President for Academic Affairs Margaret Madden. "This agreement offers students from Siena who have completed their bachelor's degrees the wonderful opportunity to complete Clarkson's high-quality master's degree at an affordable cost. As well as being a service to our students, it strengthens our commitment to providing superb teachers for schools throughout the region."
"Our connections with Siena are a win for all of us," said Clarkson Provost Chuck Thorpe. "Clarkson gets great students who come prepared to learn; Siena gets a pathway for their students to complete an MAT with depth in the fields of study; and the region gets teachers who understand both their discipline and the pedagogy that makes them exceptional in the classroom."
Acceptance is contingent upon students graduating from Siena with a GPA of 3.2 or higher, completing one semester of foreign language or sign language at the college level and completing an undergraduate educational psychology course. Students must also complete the Clarkson graduate school application.
Siena has been committed to teacher preparation since its founding in 1937. Their renowned Teacher Preparation Program prepares students to teach or serve in other roles in schools and educational organizations. Siena’s education program is accredited by the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education and is registered with the New York State Department of Education.
With a 25-year history of success, Clarkson's Master of Arts in Teaching program offers prospective teacher candidates all the tools they need to be successful secondary classroom teachers. Its graduates have a 95 percent success rate on the rigorous New York State Teacher Certification Exams and each student is placed into an individualized full-year teaching internship in a school that matches his or her career goals. Every member of the faculty also has secondary teaching experience. The program also prepares candidates for secondary certification in biology, chemistry, earth science, physics, technology (K-12), mathematics, English, social studies, Chinese, French, German, Greek, Latin, and Spanish. Read more about the MAT program at http://graduate.clarkson.edu/program/masters-arts-teaching.