It's recommended older and at-risk populations avoid potential exposure to COVID-19 by avoiding the market altogether. So how do they get groceries? By calling Scotty Parillo '21.

Scotty watched an older couple walk into the grocery store. He knew their once harmless routine was now a major health risk. He didn't know them, but he wanted to help them. That's the moment he decided to launch his own business. But he has no plans of turning a profit. 

Parillo's service is simple. The elderly or at-risk neighbors send Scotty a grocery list and payment, he handles the shopping and the delivery (many stores offer delivery service, but the wait time during the pandemic can be close to a week). Scotty does charge a $15 service fee. It's not for gas or his trouble... it's to double down on being a Saint. 

The $15 fee is donated to the Front Line Appreciation Group (FLAG) of Saratoga, which was started last month by his neighbor to provide meals and other support for essential workers.

Parillo's upstart venture has allowed him to combine his academic pursuits of international business and corporate finance with social entrepreneurship. Anyone located in the Capital Region who is interested in using Parillo’s grocery delivery service can contact him at