Siena seniors added an evening to their final semester by attending the 5th Senior Gift Kickoff Party at Massry Commons in New Hall Sunday evening. About 120 students caught up with each other over dinner and drinks and competed for raffle items like gift cards, Siena Saints apparel and Festa Vino tickets, all the while, raising funds for their class gift.
“I always miss Siena when I’m gone, but especially this year because it was the last Christmas break,” said Christine Renzi ’14, a marketing major and Spanish minor who serves on the Senior Gift Committee. “It was really nice to come back a night early and spend it with my fellow seniors.”
The Senior Gift Kickoff Party, hosted by Alumni Relations, is one of many fundraisers throughout the year that benefits the senior gift. So far, the Class of 2014 has donated more than $4,500 toward its $12,000 goal. The money raised will be contributed to the construction of a grotto on campus.
The grotto, which begins construction this summer, will provide a natural, outdoor, spiritual setting for Siena's Franciscan community. The Classes of 2005 and 2006 have also donated their senior gifts toward the project.
“The grotto originated from Siena alumni and benefactors trying to provide our community with a special, spiritual place to go and pray. I'm delighted that the senior class has embraced this opportunity and that they can come back to that spot for years to come,” said Siena President Fr. Kevin Mullen ’75, O.F.M., Ph.D.
For many, the Senior Class Gift is the first in a long line of philanthropy.
“It’s really important for us to give back to Siena,” Renzi said. “The opportunities I’ve had here are completely irreplaceable.”
To learn more about the Senior Class Gift and make a contribution, visit the Senior Class Gift page.