Class is in session, from a continent away.
Siena faculty and administrators led different workshops throughout the week related to corporate social responsibility. The summit also included opportunities for morning yoga, plus nighttime events including trivia and stargazing from the Breyo Observatory. It was a fully immersive Siena educational experience, from Brazil.
The Siena Global Business Summit welcomed approximately 90 students to campus this week, virtually, from Curitiba, Brazil. The students all attend FAE Centro Universitário, a South American sister college with a shared history in the Franciscan tradition. Through this unique partnership, many Brazilian students have completed a dual-degree in the School of Business, and some have continued to live and work in the Capital Region after graduation.
In past years, Siena has organized a summer experience for FAE Centro Universitário students. The international program exposes the students to life before they commit to living abroad at Siena. Because of the pandemic, organizing such a trip this year was impossible. So, improbably, the College's International Programs team found a way to move the experience online.
"It is our hope, through this program, that students will not only gain relevant knowledge to business practices today, but see the value of Siena's educational experience and consider coming to Siena for a dual degree!"
Matt Schiesel '15, assistant director for study abroad
During the summit, the students engaged in three academic themes relevant to current and future business practices: sustainability, technology, and economic justice. Students will hear from Siena speakers on these topics. To better demonstrate these themes through real-world practice, students also heard from local organizations and businesses about their good work. All these discussions are geared around our central question for the students: How can future leaders in business best address corporate social responsibility? In other words, how can Saints and future Saints create a world that is more just, peaceful, and humane?
“The Global Business Summit was a great opportunity to hear and debate with professionals and professors about topics such as sustainability and how they affect our lives. After the discussion of sustainability, I've learned the environmental impact that I have by choosing to buy from one sustainable company instead of one that can harm the environment, and also the importance of caring not only for yourself but also for the others in your community so together we can solve environmental problems. Simple choices and habits can make a difference."
Guilherme Arruda, FAE student