Students from two classes taught by Jessica Salmon, Ph.D., assistant professor of management, headed overseas for European-style field trips to supplement their academic work here in the States.
Salmon took her MBA course MGMT 590 Doing Responsible Business Abroad to Belgium in collaboration with the Irish College Leuven. The late February trip sought to expand students’ knowledge, skills, and professional contacts. She also presented with an undergrad student at a conference in Scotland in April.
The Belgium trip supported students’ use of course materials to take a series of practical steps in the field of responsible business initiatives such as sustainable development goals alignment, with the aim of leveraging the project to advance their career objectives. They made stops in Leuven, Brussels, and Antwerp, where they took several business-related tours, met with local representatives, toured sustainable organizations, visited the European Parliament and the European Commission, and pitched and collaborated on their projects.
There was also some personal downtime for the group to explore the sites, including an overnight trip to Amsterdam in the Netherlands.
In April, Salmon and Chandler Edbauer ’23 attended the Academy of International Business’ United Kingdom and Ireland chapter conference in Glasgow, Scotland. The focus of the conference was “International Business and SDG 8 – Are We on Course?” about the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goal 8, summarized as Decent Work and Economic Growth.
They presented on their working paper "The Formation and Evolution of International Social Innovation Projects.”
Salmon also presented on “Environmental Policy Stringency and FDI: A Deterrence or an Attraction?” co-authored with E. Beyza Satoglu.